
What is Bifta?


a bifta is a reefa, a spliff, a joint ie a marajuana roll

Pass the bifta


United Kingdom:

A hash joint or

Cigerette (less common)

Give me a bifta.

I need a bifta.

See spac


A herbal cigarette,often smoked on south coast beaches.

A bifta!you call it a bifta!I call it a bifta too!

See joint, spliff, bifter


in liverpool, uk, a bifta is a normal cigarette, not a marijuana spliff as in the rest of the country.

any biftas for a spliff?

See ciggy, burn, spliff, joint


a big fat fucking spliff

mate, fuck! that is one beaty bifta! :Omgzzzzzzzz1111oneoneeleven!1

See spliff, weed, bifta, joint, roll, fat


a spliff

'just rolled a fat bifta !'

See marijuana, weed, spliff, blunt, joint


A spliff that uses more than one king skin, see fatties

check this bifta, its a 10 skin!, look look we can rest it on the dogs head, ahh look at him!

See weed, green, spliff, joint, jay


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