Big Flat Fatty

What is Big Flat Fatty?


A fat girl who is flat chested; a fat chick who does not have big tits. An overweight girl with small boobs.

See also big fat flatty.

That poor fat chick has small tits. She's a big flat fatty.

See badonkadonk, bazooms, bbw, beached whale, beer goggles, big ass, big ass hoes, big ass tittys, big boned girl, big boobs, big boobs bertha, big booty, big booty chaser, big girl, big 'ol yamz, big tits, big 'uns, blimp, blimper, blimpy, blubber block, blubber bumper, blubberfuck, blubbernaut, blubbervagine, boingly-doinglies, bra buster, brabuster, buffalo butt, buffalo chicks, buffalo pancake, buffalo screamer, buffaloed, buffet queen, buffet slayer, buffeteers, burgertime, busty, butterball, calorie queen, calorie tits, chocolatier, chub scout, chubbamongous, chubbasaur, chubbette, chubble butt, chubby chaser, chubby side action, chubina, chubmunger, chubstitute, chunk chick, chunk in the trunk, chunk for the funk, chunk fucker, chunk-a-dunk, chunk-a-licious, chunker, chunky, chunky but funky, chunky but spunky, chunky fun, colt 45's, cottage cheese lover, curvy, cushion for the pushin, d cups, dd, ddd, ddd cups, double d, duff, duffalo, e-cup, eater, effeses, elephant girl, elephant jockey, f-cup, fat bagger, fat benatar, fat bitch rodeo, fat bitch, fat bitched, fat bitches, fat breasted and awful, fat chick, fat friend, fatsex, fatslapper, fatso fatty butt, fatsquatch, fattastic, fatter than a republican in a tub full of poor people, fatticapped, fatting around, fatso, fatsy, fattening, fatterazzi, fattering, fatters, fattiebanger, fattire, fattitude, fattle, fattractive, fatty, fatty bingo, fatty fatty 2 by 4, fatty fucker, fatty girl, fatty mcbutter pants bonbon style, fatty patty, fatty remorse, fatty-boombalatty, fattybanger, fatulence, feeder, ffb, flab jockey, flabalanche, flabby abby, flabdomen, flabdominals, flabjob, flabville, gigantits, globes, glutton, hippo cups, hippo farmer, hippo hunter, hog callin, hog hard or hog home, hog n jog, hog night, hogger, hoggers, hoggie, hogging, hoggy, huge knockers, hugers, jabba the slut, juggaload, juggantic, juggatits, jugged, juggilicious, juggs, jugnormous, jugs, jugs of joy, junk food titties, junk in the trunk, kahunas, knockers, lard golem, lardass, lardbanger, lardcore, lardgina, large and in charge, large breasted, large naturals, manatee, melons, muffin top, muffin tops, nail the whale, omega mu, over the shoulder boulder holder, overweight, pig hunting, pig muffin, plump, plump ass, plump bitch, plumpa lumpa, plumper, plumper humper, plump monkey, plumper pumper, plumped, plumpette, plumpfuck, plumpies, plumping, plumptious, plumpydump, pork diving, pork muffin, pork party, pork popper, pork pounder, porker, slump buster, slumpbuster, sperm whale, splosher, ssbbw, swamp donkey, tennessee, too fat for jesus to love, too much ham for two eggs, too much junk in the trunk, too much sand for my little truck, truffle hunter, tubby, veet, veeter, veetology, vitellius, whale, whale hunting, whale rider, whale tagger, whalette, itty bitty titty committee, training bra, surfboard, flatty boombalatty, flatty


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