What is Big League Chew?
Man-sized wads of great tasting shredded bubblegum stuffed into a giant stay-fresh pouch.
When you make the perfect slide, you're in the big league; when you keep the team alive, you're in the big league; when you block a shot or two, you're in the big league; you're in the big league, when you're in the big league chew
A great form of bubble gum that is hard to find these days because some lobbyist somewhere thought that it actually encouraged children to chew tobacco.
The makers are geniuses-- they actually found a way to make something more addictive than nicotine. Thank god you don't get cancer just cavities.
I chewed for four years and quit, but I can't kick the damn big league chew.
Bubble gum that appears to be chewing tobacco. Fun for all ages.
"You know what I haven't had in a while?...Big league chew"
During the process of tea-bagging the "giver" tears off the "receiver's" scrotam and begins chomping away at it.
A visciously horny girl rips off a guy's nut sack and then starts chewing it