Big Thread

What is Big Thread?


Where friends gather to chat while the cruddies are busy hating elsewhere

I LOVE the big thread....It's a cruddie-free zone!


THE place where the "IN" crowd goes to chat up a storm when they are board and not busy with their fulfilling lives as wife/mom/student/professional, unlike the haven where all the rejects of the board go to commiserate over their failures in life.

I go to the "big thread" to chat with all the great gifted gals there when time permits from my busy schedule.

The women of the "big thread" are so smart, intelligent and beautiful.


Where people spend all there time on, because they have no life. Just miserable fools that have nothing better to do than be a post nerd!!!

Post Nerd! I got 5000, woohoo! I have no life! My kids are playing in the street, but I dont care, because I got 5000! woohoo!


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