Big Will

What is Big Will?


A Playa, or baller


A "big will" can be defined as a massive conjunction of pure testosterone, and the ability to seduce anywoman, even stifler's mom.

big will can be interchanged with any chuck norris joke

Basically a "big will is a Brobdingnagian"

A question one might ask one's self to determine if they know a big will could be,"What happens when big will gets mad?" and if the possible "big will" is an actually big will then the asnwer would be either "big will gets angry, then gets big" or "big will goes and has sexual matters with a woman.

A "big will" ofter goes around telling of information that he recieves from his mom, yet the informetion is ofter misleading or incorrect.

big will can be interchanged with any chuck norris joke

the orginal big will will always be big will netterville

big will can go from soft fuzzy woman tamer to a pure giant in a glass case of emotion

did you see that bus that almost ran over will? yeah i feel bad for it will just got all up and big will-ed that thing

See chuck, chuck norris, beast, sexy


one big ass muvva fuka bt we no e aint big in al departments. finks e is an all time playa an d biggest pimo goin.

wen i ad him it dint touch d sides an e dint no wat e was doin!yer matty dats u!

omg its tiny! i thought a 6 foot 5 guy would be at least 7inches not 2!!!!!!hahahahahahhahahahahhhhahahahahahhhah

See karis


From the Big Willy CD, someone who is a huge fag, thinks they're sweet and thinks they get pussy

YO that guys a Big Will


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