
What is Bigfoot?


A bigfoot or Sasquatch is a large hairy biped that looks somewhat human-like. Bigfoot usually range from 6ft to 10ft tall.

They are believed to roam the Northern U.S, Canada and the Santa Cruz mountains in California.

"Dude i saw a f*cking bigfoot man!!!"

"Lay off the crack, Greg!"


1.A mythical creature, looks like a giant man ape. Sometimes he'll sneak into your house and eat all of your ice cream, then hell take a huge hairy ass piece of shit on your couch.

2.A monster truck which usually does nothing.

3.Another word for a britain hose.



Bob:Oh shit bitch! I see Bigfoot outside!

Sally:Son of an ass Bitch that stupid mother f-cker must have done this...

Bob:Wow...He's hairy.

Sally:That f-cker ate all my damn ice cream as well.

2.Oh shit! Bigfoot just ran over Skippy the Clown

3.I just got done sucking off of your brother's bigfoot. It was refreshing.


1. Where one person physically staggers around in an unco-ordinated way whilst vomiting (due to ingestion of copius amounts of alcohol) - named for it's astounding visual likeness to alleged video footage of the sasquatch known in Northern America as "Bigfoot" who roams around in the same unco-ordinated manner

2. A large man-ape that roams around the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America. Believed to be an earlier stage of mankind.

3. Name given to people with larger-than-average feet (depending on their height)

1. A: "Dude, i got soo hammered at the club, as soon as i got out, I went Bigfoot on the sidewalk"

2. Woman in newsroom: "OH GOD! SMELLS LIKE BIGFOOT'S DICK!"

3. I have size 15 shoes even though i'm only 6'2". My mates call me Bigfoot. . . . . then i get out my gun.

See vomit, spew, puke, feet, sasquatch


often known as the "missing link" bigfoot is a big, hairy, ape man thing that rooms the forests. its diet is very much like any primate. witnesses say that it ranges from 6-11 feet tall. obiviously there is a more than one of them if the thing really does exist, seeing as how there is a different variation of the beast ranging from state to state, country to country, continent to continent.

North America: Sasqaush

Asia: Yeti

The Phillipines: Kapre


A usually 7 foot tall, hairy ape that lives over much of North America, especially Texas and the Pacific Northwest.

I hear strange howls and screams at night, and also strange skunk or garbage-like smells; I think it may be a sasqautch.

See Steven


1. The guy right above you in a hotel that is stomping around at 3:oo A.M.!!!!

2. The real Chewbacca.

1. *stomping from ceiling* Why can't bigfoot up there GO TO SLEEP IT IS 3:00 A.M FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

2.dude#1 Hey did you just see bigfoot!?!

dude#2 What you mean Chewbacca?

See hotel


See Rosie O'Donnell.

Big, ugly beast.

Bigfoot speaking on The View: "BLAHBLAHBLAH"

See bigfoot, rosie o'donnell, fat, sasquatch, stupid, annoying, Kerrang


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