Bigshot Burners

What is Bigshot Burners?


An All-girl Band. Formed 2005, members were completed by Late-July or Early-August of 2005. Aspiring young musicians(two are born at 1991,while the other two,1990) from Philippines who's influenced by numerious bands(ex.The Beattles,The killers,Greenday,The Donnas,Rooney,My Chemical romamce,The Wonders).

It all started when Wina(Drummer,Founder) listened to Rooney and was heavily influenced and started playing the drums and formed a band with long time bestfriend Marz(bassist,Co-founder). Soon came Joy(lead guitar). They're former name was "The Oneders". But during they're weekly practices, Murphy(close friend of the band), came to the practice with a shirt naming "Bigshot". And wina and Joy were talking about CD Burning. Thus, the name "Bighsot Burners". Marz did vocals at that time, but wants to concentrate better on bass. Hence,She asked her long-time bestfriend Angie, to do vocals and agreed. Then, they were complete and the Bigshot Burners were Born.

The Bigshot Burners record

>Not Sure what genre they are

>Had 2 official gigs

>Had 1 audition

>upcoming 3 official gigs

>did 2 unofficial gigs(on-the-spot-ones)

See bbb, bsb


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