
What is Bigsmall?


1. (adj.) Something small that has the characteristics of something much bigger.

2. (adj.) Advertising Bullshit.

1. That car is bigsmall.

2. Next you'll be telling us that "bigsmall" isn't just a load of crap made up to convince us that a product is something it isn't.

See advertising, gibberish, junk, bullshit, Thos


A word made up by advertising executives for a car that is apparently small to drive but has lots of room inside.

"Quick, lets think of a word that describes this car"

"It's small, yet feels big. How about bigsmall?"

"Whatever, now lets go down the pub"

See toyota, yaris, advertising, lazy


adj. Something small that has the characteristics of something much bigger than itself.

This can be in terms of space, quality, design, performance, safety.

First and best use was as a description of the Yaris.

the toyota yaris is bigsmall, the mini corsa is just mini

See corsa, small, big, phoney, spoiler


something small that has the characteristics of something much bigger.

'that mini corsa is bigsmall'

See bigfish


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