
What is Bilton?


An urban legend sprouting from the increased popularity of online gaming. The myth of Bilton takes several forms, but most commonly it is a character attributed with impossibly attainable skills. While many spout the existence of Bilton, no proof has ever been discovered.

Many lives have been wasted in pursuit of UFO's, Bigfoot, and Bilton.

See Rafter


A popular myth designed to attract interest, attention and debate, in order to boost morale and inspire newer players

A legendary false diety fabricated to balance insecurities of an inferior players, and to serve to boast morale among teammates in the ww2 online community. Several players have claimed to see Bilton in action, who boasts of maintaining a 75,000 to 0 k/d ratio online. Bilton stats remain locked, unlike the majority of the playerbase, making it unavailble to the public as to not confirm/deny any information that may contradict these claims.

It is widely rumored that Bilton was fabricated by the developers of ww2 online to counteract 'Insurge', an extraordinary player that terrorized the player base in the most unexpected places during gameplay. Bilton has been given residence to the Allied team, in order to make up the advantage in players the Axis maintains on the game, in turn boosting allied morale and intrigue whenever discussion of Bilton emerges.

In 2006, evidence began emerging that Bilton's legend was indeed fabriated by 'higher ups' in the community for these reasons.

Insurge, if you're out there... Bilton's coming.

See bilton, ww2ol


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