
What is Bio-accessory?


a living being used as a fashion accessory, like a handbag or a scarf, except that it's alive; often dressed up in cutesy little outfits

Paris Hilton rarely goes out without her bio-accessory, Tinkerbell the Chihuahua. Britney Spears used to carry around her bio-accessory, Bit Bit, until she started carrying around babies instead. Why didn't Kevin carry the dog? Maybe that's why she divorced him: he wouldn't carry the little dog.

See pet, chihuahua, accessory, tinkerbell


a living being used as a fashion accessory, like a handbag or a scarf, except that it's alive; often dressed up in cutesy little outfits

Paris Hilton rarely goes out without her bio-accessory, Tinkerbell the Chihuahua. Britney Spears used to carry around her Chihuahua Bit Bit until she started carrying around babies instead. (Why didn't Kevin carry the dog? Maybe that's why she divorced him: he wouldn't carry the little dog. )

See pet, chihuahua, accessory


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