
What is Bionicle?


The thing I sell day in, day out, at Legoland. I never began as a fan of it but after being forced to watch the movie over 25 times, and listening to hours upon hours of kids talk to me about Bionicle, I've become fairly knowlegeable on it. It's about six heroic robots, called Toa, fighting a really evil robot called Makuta on a far away island called Mata Nui. The Toa defeat evil after evil that Makuta creates until Makuta gets his ass handed to him by Takanuva, the 7th Toa. Anyway none of that matters, all that matters is that you go out and buy Bionicle. You know you want too, because Bionicle is where most of my paycheck comes from.

All Toas are $8.95 each, $9.64 with tax. Makuta is $19.95, $21.50 with tax. Takanuva is $29.95, $32.27 with tax. Would you like a bag with that?


Biological Chronicle (spelling?) One fan site is Bzpower. One of Lego's best lines ever.

I love Bionicle


Bionicle stands for "Biomechanical Chronicle" and is Lego's first original saga. It begins with six heroes called toa fighting for peace, and win against the evil Makuta. They are transformed in a battle against a new evil, the bohrok, and the first evil comes back with his sons, the Rahkshi. Another toa is discovered and Makuta is defeated once and for all. The village chieftans tell the toa a tale of Metru-Nui, their past, and how they were once toa. At Metru-Nui a matoran villager is a traitor, and plans to destroy Metru-Nui, a super advanced city. Then everyone fled to Mata-Nui, etc.

"I must face him alone." - Takanuva, the seventh toa. From Bionicle, Mask of Light.


the best thing lego has ever made!!! It's about six toa who has to fight makuta, then about the toa elders, who has to stop the morbuzakh.

bionicle rules!! w00t!! w00t!!w00t!! i love bionicle!!!

See william


Short for "Biological Chronicle". A line of building toys released by Lego, which features six mighty heroes and their sruggle for the masks of power.

"That is the way of the Bionicle"

See Groucho Marx


Bionicle is prehaps one of the first story-based toys made by Lego (For kids with little or no imagination)

Based on Lego's TECHNIC line, it has, IMO Defiled Technic's name of bricks, gears and shafts altogether.

Bionicle uses parts made for the set only, making other sets that one part unorigional. To make things worse, Sets (In numbers of six) have basically the same parts, except for cosmetic parts, such as tools and shields. This make the sets a new expireince only if you buy one.

And DON'T get me started on Bionicle-Based My Own Creations (MOC's) They have the worst storyline-based and construction of ANY lego-creation.

(Though I would have to give them credit. Working with those one-set-use-only parts is impossible)

Bionicle, If it were not for the storyline, would suck. Their grandparents, the Throwbots, are better.


Robotic creatures made of oddly-shaped Lego parts that look uncannily similar to Elites* and Jackals* from Halo(????hmm??).

The BIONICLE line is, in fact created for kids with zero imagination, because they rely on a stupid alien story and stupid instructions (Lego's enemy).

LEGO has had some pretty cool sets, (the commercial jets and race cars), not the stupid Mars crap or underground mole-people.

But yeah, i can't tell which came first, Halo or BIONICLE?? Seriously, go look.

Bionicle is stupid

They should use the Halo story.

See halo, jackal, elite, lego, stupid


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