Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder?


A mental illness where the sufferer experiences episodes of depressed and manic states. During the depression periods the sufferer has feelings of worthlessness and deflation. Manic episodes are characterised by opposite thoughts, where the person can be hyperactive, talk very quickly, make rash decisions and be dominated by thoughts of sex. Often during these episodes the sufferer is unaware of what they are doing and will deny anything is wrong with them.

A girl I know called Nichola has Bipolar Disorder but she is unaware that her actions when she is manic make her unbearable to work with. Deep down I know that she is a sweet girl but she won't listen to any advice I give her. I wish she would seek help otherwise she will end up a very lonely individual

See Craig


AKA manic-depressive disorder. This is when a person gets really sad for some time, crying for no reason, contemplating suiceide, avoiding people, stuff like that. Then, one day it'll be over and they'll be all happy-go-crazy and stuff, buying a lot of stuff, turning promiscuous, and showing a general ecstacy and lack of foresight. This is a serious psychological disorder and should not be taken lightly. If you or a friend show signs of being bipolar seek help IMMEDIATELY! With proper support it is easy to treat.

Yo, when's Bipolar Bill gonna get out of his depressive phase?

I dunno, but I sure hope he's manic by Friday. That party'll be so much more awesome with his wild and crazy side there.

See Melanie


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