
What is Birther?


A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth, birth certificate, favorite birthday, or whether or not he has heard the song Africa by Toto.

"Did you know that Barack Obama's parents concealed the location of his birth because they knew he would grow up to be President? What? Of course it makes sense, I'm a birther!"

See barack, obama, president, birth, conspiracy


A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.

These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.

Just ignore that racist nutjob foaming at the mouth. He's a right wing "birther" conspiracy nut.

See gop, racist, bedwetter, nazi, klansman


A person who believes that Barack Obama has controversy and/or fraud surrounding his birth, though all theories have been either rejected or proved false.

The birthers gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court - all 20 of them.

See birther, forced-birther, obama, tinfoil hat, wingnut


A redneckborn on American soil in a barn delivered by a drunken veterinarian who also performs abortions. Parents are both American citizens who are usually first cousins if not brother and sister.

Birthers fought for their right to marry their cousins.

See hillbilly, redneck, birth, conspiracy, obama


A knuckle dragging gutter culture warrior related to tea bagging citizens who don't want to pay taxes because they don't support our troops.

"Obama's parents were so smart they planned 50 years ago to have a baby on foreign land and get him elected into the White House so he can raise taxes to pay for our troops. It's true I am a tea bagging birther"

What were those tea bagging protesters complaining about again? Ohh yay they refuse to accept a black man as president and now have resorted to saying Obama can not be president cause he is an illegal alien. Sounds crazy? No I am just a tea bagging "birther."

See teabagging, obama, birther


Someone who has given birth.

Your Birther would be your mother.

Has nothing to do with Barrack Obama; yet is still used in that context.

Guy 1:Wild party last night

Guy 2:Oh hell yeah

Guy1: My birther's gonna be pissed though.

Guy 3: Shit man, That sucks.

See mother, birth, child, mom




A person who derives sexual pleasure from covering him- or herself in fresh placenta while having intercourse with a woman immediately after she has given birth.

Sane person #1: Did you hear that guy on Fox News who kept insisting Obama was born in Kenya?

Sane person #2: Don't listen to him. He's a birther. Those people are into some really sick stuff.

See freeper, palintologist, neanderthal


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