What is Bishop Eustace Preparatory School?


You guys are pathetic bashing on Eustace and naming other schools that are better, such as Malvern and St Joe's Prep. First off, Malvern and St Joe's Prep might be good schools, but we're not homos. Most guys during their high school years do enjoy the company of female classmates. Malvern is close to an hour drive for most students, who have probably not heard of this sausage-fest anyway. As for Hun, Peddie, etc., those schools are quite a distance, as well as cost 30 g's a year to be surrounded by fellow "high-class", unsocial nerds who would take it in their ass to get into Princeton. For the fag saying Greenwich, Conn. is "richer" than S. Jersey: who care?! You live in Connecticut! WOW! The Whalers used to be there...now what do you do? Go to your country club all day? So go tuck in your shirt, comb over your hair, and go play some croquet...fags...

I live on the Mainline and the tea party is every Wednesday!

I live in Connecticut, wear pink shorts, and my dad bangs his secretary!


Bishop Eustace Prep is a high school in South Jersey. In response to the first definition--not everyone there is rich! And most of us have earned our way into their walls! On the topic of drugs--it is a teenage thing, not a Eustace thing. You would probably encounter more drugs in public school. Maybe those you say are "too scared" to do drugs simply have self-respect, and if they are scared--good for them! Also, we work our butts off everyday we are there--it is hard! So the days off that we are granted are much needed. I don't see you complaining when you get to stay home! If you hate it so much, then leave (because I am sure you are a student)! Don't ruin the experience for the rest of us!

Bishop Eustace Prep may sometimes seem too controlling--but we love the freedom we are granted there and love bragging to our public school friends about that freedom!


A prep school in south jersey filled to the brim with yuppies in nice outfits. This is where the dean tries to get the freshman boys in his office for some extra credit (if you know what I mean). Commonly referred to as, "Bishop Useless," the school's football team might as well quit because they have no chance at winning anyway. About 70% of the school is afraid to endulge in drug related or alcoholic activities. But, then the other 30% are shitting their pants in the cafeteria watching the drug dog sniff around their pot-infested BMW's. On top of it all, the kids only go to school like 100 days, while their richass parents pay $11,000 a year for nothing.

What a poor excuse for a prep school.


High school located in New Jersey, also known as "Eustace." Contrary to popular belief, most kids at Eustace are NOT rich, but rather have parents that sacrifice and actually give a shit about them. Eustace, (believe it or not) has the highest % rate of kids going to college in all of New Jersey. Eustace is often bashed by kids who do not have the same academic standards that the school requires for entry. Most of the people who bash Eustace (including the people on this web page) have wanted to go there at some point in their life but have failed miserably.

Bishop Eustace, to our hearts belong!

Ex. 2: Holy Cross Kid: OMG! You go to Bishop Eustace Preparatory School! YOU SUK! I CANT GO THERE!!##@I I WUNT TOO. UR SNOOTY ANDN MEAN AND AND AND RICH!!!!

See bishop, eustace, great, school, truth


A school with only twoblackkids(one whoisSlim),and oneAsian.

Yo,did youhearabout that squirrelin thecaf?

Yeah,did youhearabout the picture of theblackkidhangedin thebathroom?

BishopEustace,forever will to you ourheartsbelong.

See diversity


The cheapest prep school ever, Bishop Useless is filled with wannabe "individualists" who blast their "music" in the parking lot and brag about bands they found by searching for "emo bands no one's heard of" on google, rich fat girls carrying around their coach purses with fake nails glued onto their stubby fingers, anorexics who pretend they eat "soooo much" and "aaaall the time" but in reality they haven't eaten since they were five years old, guys who go tanning and wax their eyebrows and do CREW, but deny their gay, and teachers who get paid waaaaay too much. The administration is corrupt, the athletics suck, and no one really knows where all their tuition goes. Here's a hint: Bleistine and Brother Jim, third world country child brothels...I think you get the idea(those plane tickets are expensive!).

Put simply: if you attend eustace, sucks for you; if you've graduated from eustace, it can only get better (i hope); if you are thinking about coming to eustace, DON'T!; and if you have no idea what Eustace is, you lucky bitch!


If you think Eustace is hard, you must be mildly or half retarded. How many kids a year go to ivy leagues? Not including Eric Heinbockle who got into Columbia for "rowing" and his extra time on his SATs for his "ADD." Check out some of the high schools over in the Philly area and then let me know if they would accept your hard-worked-for grades that got you into Eustace.

Second of all, no ones saying every kid who attends Eustace is rich or drives a BMW, but come on, you have to have some money to go there. Just because it's a Catholic school doesn't mean they give away free money to kids to go there.


Hey, what high schools did you get into?

Well, I didn't get into Saint Joe's Prep, the Hun School, Peddie School, Episcopal Academy, or Malvern Prep.

Holy shit! Well, where did you get into?

Bishop Eustace and Cherry Hill East.


Where did you apply?

Peddie, Hun school, Merion Mercy Academy, Villa Marie Academy, Agnes Irwin and Bishop Eustace.

Where are you going to go?

The only school that accepted me, Bishop Eustace.


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