
What is Bitched?


When a person gets punked by another person in any type of situation...usually when it comes to respect.

Tony walks in the mall and is with his friend and antoher guy bumps into him and its the toher guy's fault. The stranger looks at Tony and tells him to watch where hes going. Tony's friend looks at him and says "damn nigga u just got bitched."


when someone gets completely demolished in something, generally, but not always, a sporting event.

Mom: go do your chores stevie

Steve: why dont you stop worrying about me and worry about the blood in your urine (steve then precedes to punch his mom and the kidneys

Mom: (rolls around the ground in agony)


See owned, pwned, raped, dominated


to have been turned into a persons bitch, for a moment or eternity.

Fork got bitched when reb rammed him with that dildo, "Fist of Death"


in the middle in the back seat.

" hey, rays bitched this time not me!"

See middle seat, seat, shotgun, driving


The state of someone whose best friend has ditched them for a hot chick/girlfriend.

"Dude, I can't believe Roy just bitched you to chase after Megan."

See dumped, loved, cock-blocked, pwned, bitch'd


Similar to owned. When someone else proves you wrong, slaps you in the face, beats you at something.

Did you hear about when Lizzy slapped Connor?

Yeah dude. He got bitched. It was awesome. He totally deserved that.

See owned, bitched, slap, defeat, fail


Much more of an everyday usable version of Ownt,Owned,Pwned etc.

Generally used to denote some one to that of a Ho'

"Shit man she just bitched you!"

"Don't Start a fight with me, you'll just get bitched"

See bitch, bitched, owned, ownage, pwned, pwnage


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