What is Bitchmobile?
This is every normal girl's worst nightmare. The Bitchmobile an be found circling a park where lots of people go. They can be heard before they even turn the corner due to the shrieking and screeching laughter. Whenever they see a girl who is (shock, horror!)NOT wearing Prada or Chanel, they will immediatly slow down to about 10mph and make crude comments about the girl's clothing until they run out of stupid things to say and floor the car, just because they can. Whenever they see a girl who is in fact a lot prettier and wearing better clothes than them, they will all gawp out at her until they realise that their jaws have dropped, when they will rearrange their plastic little faces into dirty looks. When they see a
Jas: Oh, no! I recognise that shrieking! IT'S THE BITCHMOBILE!
Tiffin: Wait, they just hit a lamp post. There's a
jock behind us.
Jas: Haha! Rules!
Any Bitch's car
Bitch just turned the bus into a bitchmobile