What is Bitchx?
Popular IRC client. Derivative of ircii. Hacked up by panasync.
He's using BitchX, and you're just an mIRC lamer. Who are you to talk?
BitchX - Is a colorful but clunky Text based
While this may have been true last century when it really did offer loads of new, exciting, and useful features its complex windowing scheme and default behaviors are enough to turn someone off text based ircing for life. This complexity and the need to memorize a shit ton of commands helps add to its leet mystic. But tbh, if you are new to text based IRCing, you should probably use irssi instead which is unequivocally da best shits eva!
It should be noted there are a number of truly respectable old schoolers who have been using BitchX since the dawn of time and are not to be grouped with the current crop of wannabes.
ohh and btw, in reality no one gives a fuck what irc client ur using.
<irn00b> how the hell do i create sepereate windows for each channel?!
<irn00b> fuck this, im going back to mIRC.
** Signoff irn00b: 9 out of 10 fluffy kittens use BitchX and so should you...