What is Bjørn?
A Bjørn is a person of unbearable coolness. Not a synonym for god, but a tier higher. A Bjørn usually walks all over Sammys. Also they are adept at musical comprehension and martial arts. Always spelled with a capital letter, to emphasise importance.
dude nr.1 "Wow, did you see that? Some dude just trod on a Sammy, shredded a wild solo and did Shaolin Mantis Kungfu on some other dude!"
dude nr.2 "It must be a Bjørn"
*Worlds most geeky person of all time.
**People who starts to cry over nothing.
***People who poop themselves.
*"Omg here comes Bjørn! i hope I'm not going to catch his geekiness"
**"Stop crying... Don't be such a Bjørn."
***"O MY GOD! Did you just poop yourself? who the hell are you? Bjørn?"