What is Bjsbazz?
Noun: 1. A "
2. An irritant you can not find an ointment for.
3. Inexplicable buzzing in one's ear causing the loss blood and intellect.
4.Online chat program character: Famous for begging for attention, the opportunity to see naked women, and acceptance.
A. bjsbazz: dammit, unblock me...fucking ass-licker...u whore...get ur tits out...ffs...U Beyotch...answer me.
B. When he stopped sucking his thumb long enough to ask in a squeaky, post-orgasmic state to see my breasts, I thought, "What a bjsbazz!"
C. Despite being smackel-jacked repeatedly, the creepy and annoying, bjsbazz continued to attempt to aquire attention and affection.