Black History Month

What is Black History Month?


An exuse to remain seperated, stereotyped and judged upon. The only way to be "equal" is to forget about it and MOVE ON. We are encouraged to think being black makes us "special" and everyone should cry us a river. Most blacks are asking - no BEGGING for racism.

Italians went through the same crap, and IMO Jews had it worse than anybody. How come they dont have a month?

Notice how Jews and Italians are almost totally accepted now.Black History Month should be cancelled.

See dago, racism, holocaust, hypocrite, italians, italian, jew, nigger, guinea, wop, mafia, final solution


A month for white people to pretend they care about black people and for black people to pretend that they care about history.

Black History Month Conversation:

White person:I'm sorry,I can't help that I'm white.White people suck! See, i'm not racist! Black people rule!

Black person:Shut up wigger. I don't need you to tell me that you suck to know that.

Me:Fuck you guys.

See black, history, white, racism


Another name for a watermelon kamikaze shot.

Another round of Black History Months please and put it on my tab.

See watermelon, kamikaze, shot


Black History Month, n.

1. A sorely needed opportunity to raise awareness of the history of black Americans among people of all colors.

2. The shortest month of the year.

Black History Month is important not just for Black people to understand their own people's centuries-long struggle for liberation, but for all people to recognize the problems that institutionalized racism and skin color privilege has caused and continues to cause in American society.

See black, history, black history, black culture


A month devoted to African-Americans. A month that is well deserved. Some White people get angry because Blacks get a month all about them. Well, they really shouldnt because White people get all the rest of the year. In school, we learn about history. They should just rename is White history, because that is all we learn about. White people. I think that if someone is mad that Blacks get ONE month, they are very selfish. Black History Month is just the price that Whites have to pay for their ancestors being racist!

Black History Month, the one month that we get to learn about Black History in school!

See pride, deserve, blacks, whites, history


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