Black Holes

What is Black Holes?


Black holes are rarely seen creatures that operate in the shadows. If anything is left lying around or falls off a table, a black hole might (for they are decreasing in number) run past and swallow it up. The reasons for them doing so are unknown but what is odd is that some of them redeposit what they've swallowed at a different location. Not to be confused with thieving gypsy bastards.

"Has anyone seen my pen?" - typical response after a black hole feeding session.


Everything in the univers has a cicle of existance. many people are in denile of this fact becaus the practical upshot of it is that they will, evidenly, die. on a far grander scale of thing ( though just as unapealing ) the univers itself has such a cicle. there is a point of critical mass, in which matter is comprest to the power of infinity minus one. creating a gravity well, or loop in which matter is sucked in and compressed in the same way. ( usually due to a very large colapsing star ) in the end, and at this point it quite defenetly is, the intire univers will be consumed into a very large and very compressed ball of matter. at which time it will once again reach a critical presure and explode. recreating the univers, and the pesky little criters that come with it.

the big bang and 70's fation.


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