Black Man's Pinch

What is Black Man's Pinch?


Noun: A bubble of blackened blood trapped under the skin, as is caused when one traps a web of skin in a mousetrap, hits it with a hammer or similar. White kids in the 1970s said it.

Adult: "Ouch! I've given myself a black man's pinch in the edge of that drop-leaf dining table."

Child: "That phrase is outdated and pejorative to black people. Please don't use it again."

Adult: "You're right. I'm sorry. What should I say instead."

Child: "Subcutaneous haematoma would be both the medically and politically correct term for such a contusion."

Adult: "Thank you for making me a better human being. By the way, what would be the medically and politically correct term for such a contusion as would be caused by a hefty clip round the ear?"

Child: "You appear to be condoning an act of physical abuse toward a minor. I'm calling Social Services."


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