Black Rain

What is Black Rain?


Black tar heroin.

Made in Mexico.

Did you hear? Johnny from Dallas OD'd on dat black rain.

See heroin, h, smack, dope, black tar


A term used to describe a hail of bullets. In effect the bullets "rain" down on the person. Used mainly to describe executions and not actual shootouts. (commonly used by Jamaicans)

IF you don't do it black rain might fall on you and your family.

See shower, yardie, rain, black, death


When some one goes into the bathroom stall next to your stall and sticks the ass over the divider and procedes to defecate on the person in the next stall.

John couldnt move when the black rain started to flow from above him at the mexican resurant.

See stall, shiting, defecation, crapping


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