Blackie Chan

What is Blackie Chan?


A Black Dude that knows karate. Combonation of "Black" and "Jackie Chan".

No Blackie Chan, Break the Board with your hand, not your .22...

See black, jackie chan, karate


A black man with the ability to look incredibly tough, by either fighting or just giving off an appearance of toughness. Usually this is in movies or video games.

good examples for blackie chan are Mr. T, Mike Tyson, the black guy from Halo, Morpheus, the guy from gta san andreas.

See blackiechan, nigga, gangsta, superman


a nigger who thinks he can fight.

Upon being swung at unsuccessfully by a nigger, the white man called him Blackie Chan and knocked his nigger ass out.

See blackie, chan, nigger, niggers, can't, fight


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