
What is Blackistan?


imaginary location, where neocon fantasy has created an african-islamic-terrorist trifecta that can be used to justify patriot act III

(from state of the union address 2005)

"that's why I sent our marines over to blackistan, to find osama bling ladinand bring him to justice."

(wild applause)



See Detroit, Washington DC, New Orleans, Philly, Harlem or Gary.

Yo, we gots to go over to Blackistan to pick up some bud, yo.


A catch-all term for any Arabic country in Africa. Tunisia, Egypt, Somalia, Djibouti, Chad, Libya, Algeria, and Chad can all be described as 'Blackistan'

Acil El-Hassen is from Blackistan.

See arabs, muslims, africa, blacks, middle east


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