
What is Blackitude?


attitude most often adopted by black people to demonstrate a total lack of enthusiasm or care for any task undertaken. Usually accompanied by a noise produced by sucking of the teeth to further illustrate a lack of regard for virtually any situation which requires effort or verbal communication.

"can I have a latte please, counter monkey?" - followed by Blackitude - shrugging of shoulders, 'hip hop' style disabled strut, teeth sucking and 30 minute production time for latte by said counter monkey.

If while riding a bus the driver applies the brakes suddenly to avoid a collision this will likely cause a cacophany of teeth sucking creating the atmosphere of an aviary inside the bus. Most likely to happen in East London, especially Hackney.

See blackitude, black, attitude, bad, lack, respect, Crakka


to be have a black attitude or blackanizitie to be the blackist muther fucker out there


that mavin gay has hardcore blackitude


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