Blacklight Tattoo

What is Blacklight Tattoo?


A blacklight tattoois a tattoo that is done in uv reactive ink. If the entire tattoo is done in uv ink it is not visible under normal light and is only visible when displayed under a blacklight. Another use for the ink is to highlight existing tattoos and to have effects such as causing the eyes of a dragon tattoo to glow under black light. The ink is only visible on lighter skin tones. And although certain manufacturers of the ink have been accused of peddling carcinogen laced ink, one brand name has remained unscathed. Chameleon Ink produces the only FDA approved tattoo ink in the industry.

"Yo, I was clubbing and saw this girl's back glowing... I think she had one of those blacklight tattoos."

See tattoo, club, ink, black, light, rave


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