Blackout Bingo

What is Blackout Bingo?


In the Street Fightergame series, Akuma's Shun Goku Satsumove. During the manoeuvre, the screen blacks out and Akuma performs a series of devastating and demoralizing attacks. Can be abbreviated to B.O.B.

Groups of friends will often participate in "B.O.B. Matches", in which each player selects Akuma. The first player to land a successful Blackout Bingo will have exclusive rights to Akuma for a time period specified prior to the competition.

"Man, Mitch hit me with Blackout Bingo in the very first round tonight! I'm banned from using Akuma for one whole month!"

"B.O.B, Baby!"

See akuma, street fighter, gouki, raging demon


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