
What is Bladerunner?


1980s science fiction film starring Harrison Ford and directed by Ridley Scott. Bladerunners are special police officers trained to hunt down replicantrogues.

The film is well known among sci-fi fans for its ending, which the studio forced Scott to change for the original theatrical release (it was later restored in a director's cut). The studio forced Scott to replace the dark, ambiguous closing scene with a sickning honeymoon scene and voiceover.

Ford and Scott hold different views as to whether Ford's character in the film is a replicant or not. This ambiguous plot point is not entirely proven or disproven in the DC.

Have you seen Bladerunner? Great movie, but what's with those weird unicorn bits?

See Greg


A person who is into cocaine.

Phil is one of the many bladerunners at this party.

See drugs, razorblade, crack, addict, The Waldo


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