What is Bleg?
A noun or verb; an appeal for thoughts or more to readers of one's
We are organizing ourselves in traditional methods; information comes from a central source perhaps in the form of a bleg, and people comment or respond privately or send up original material or what-have-you.
To beg for money on a
I hate to bleg, but my car just got totaled and I really need some money to continue bringing you this high-quality blog material.
A brief statement used to express boredom or distaste, often appearing in text messages to indicate frustration with a given set of circumstances. Sounds a lot like
It's been a long day...bleg.
n.when BUTT and LEG become one.
Can be seen on daisy-duke wearin' 55 yr. old trailor trash, little old men who wear their pants up to their armpits, or tiny little asian girls.
Bleg happens when there is no distinction of the ass-cheeks, therefore creating the illusion that the posterior side is all sort of fused together, without any curves.
OMG!!! Take that shit off immediately. It makes it look like you have bleg!
Would you like to squeeze my bleg?
Mary Alice went to see her plastic surgeon for some butt implants to correct her unsightly bleg.
To be bleg'ed
I have bleg'ed you
Usually on fat people, where the leg is so fat and/or the butt is so small that there is no distinction between butt and leg.
Jenny wore dresses because pants wouldn't fit her bleg.
Blegger...Some one who bleg's for money.
I blegger you!