
What is Blinkenlights?


A humorous hacker's term for diagnostic lights on old mainframe computers and modern network hardware. The word is supposed to give the average English speaker the impression that it is a German word. The word comes from a warning sign written in mangled mock German and typically printed in a blackletter-Gothic font, that used to be popular under computer room personal in the U.S.A.

ACHTUNG! Alles touristen und non-technischen looken peepers!

Das machine control is nicht fur gerfinger-poken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowen fuse, und poppencorken mit spitzensparken.

Der machine is diggen by experten only. Is nicht fur geverken by das dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseenen keepen das cotten picken hands in das pockets, so relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights.

See computer, hacker, server


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