Bloat The Moat

What is Bloat The Moat?


A condition which is associated with the sensation of feeling bloated and miserable, usually brought on through the excess consumption of alcohol and going 'big game hunting'. Effects can vary, though at their most severe, can lead to 'blockages' and 'compaction' for durations of up to several weeks. This condition gained noteriety during the summer of 2008 when MD suffered from a 'moat' for 2 weeks.

Fuck's sake, you boys speak so much crap.... 5 mins later... Ugh, massive bloat the moat.

I couldn't eat another thing.... savage bloat the moat.

Definitely putting on weight. Probably bloat the moat but it could be perma-bloat.... I hope not.

See bloated, constipated, whales, bowling ball


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