What is Blodia?
A huge 3-story red Mecha used by the E.G.A. Mecha Pilot Jin Saotome. Originally from the Cyberbots import game, the Blodia Mecha was the main "character" in this Streetfighter-esq fighting game. It was also the main mecha in the game TechRomancer. Since then, Jin Saotome has taken center stage in the Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2 games, and the Blodia is only seen in his super-attacks. (Blodia punch and Blodia vulcan)
"Jin pilots the Blodia through the city, trying not to destroy too many buildings on his way through."
marvel versus capcom term for
Mike: Did you have sex with Karen?
Tom: No. But she did give me a damn good blodia.
(friends shake hands, then celebrate with a beer)
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