Blog Police

What is Blog Police?


Reputation management done by weak minded A-list bloggers.

Synonym: Bullying.

Dave Winer.


Especially weak-minded bloggers.

See: pussiesfragglecocksucker

I wish s/he would stop thinking s/he is entitled to control what others do when they blog. Blog Police. Sheesh! I'd rather deal with the NYPD. At least they have to get mental health check-ups when they do something stupid.

See indochine


Usually an A-List blogger who forces thier view of the world down the throats of other bloggers.

At their absolute worst when someone doesn't toe the A-List bloggers party beliefs on what blogging is about.

Usually more about the A-List blogger protecting his or her perceived 'territory' on the web.

Plasticnag is going to completely lose it when he sees that. He's a fully paid-up member of the Blog Police.


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