
What is Blogger?


"Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives. Possibly the most annoying thing about bloggers is the sense of self-importance they get after even the most modest of publicity. Sometimes it takes as little as a referral on a more popular blogger's website to set the lesser blogger's ego into orbit.

Then God forbid a blogger gets mentioned on CNN. If you thought it was impossible for a certain blogger to get more pious than he was, wait until you see the shit storm of self-righteous save-the-world bullshit after a network plug. Suddenly the boring, mild-mannered blogger you once knew will turn into Mother Theresa, and will single handedly take it upon himself to end world hunger with his stupid links to band websites and other smug blogger dipshits." - Maddox


derived from weblogger, s.o. who keeps a weblog, a diary on the internet.

You'll find plenty crappy bloggs on the net.

See The Crow


A person with a laptop, an ax to grind, and their virginity

Steven Colbert: "And in case you don't know a blogger is a person with a laptop, an ax to grind ... and their virginity"

See blog, virginity, laptop, ax


a blogger is a frustrated writer who now types away every night in the hopes that some bored, fucked up sapon the internet will come across his/her penned jewel and become a loyal follower for ever, going to such lenghts as worshiping the blogger to submission.

I was bored, lonely and depresed and then I met my blogger!


An internet diary writer. Or more accurately, a whinging, wining, insecure, sympathy-craving, self-indulgent, self-important, over-privileged 'feeling: meh' scum of the internet/universe.

'Welcome back to my blog, fellow blogger!!1! Today I'm feeling like the world is terrible and I just can't seem to find my place in it. Also, I think everyone hates me. I'm feeling a bit meh tbh. And to top it all, I think I'm coming down with a snuffly-cold!'


A person who blogs as an outlet for narcissism and bad taste.

There was a time when America had intellectuals, but now all we've got are bloggers.

See blog, blogosphere, intellectual masturbation, porn


bored housewife trying to make meaning of her tedious life. And hey, it's not a waste of time to "be on the computer" (it used to be semi-productive in grad school) and post pictures of your kids, cupcakes, paint chips, or the dog.

If bloggers used the old technology - the phone - to tell everyone each time their kid uttered an adorable mouthful of nonsense, our society would come to a halt and we would realize that our lives are unproductive and nearly meaningless.

See housewife, mom, kids, mortality, meaning of life


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