
What is Blogoscoped?


This word invented by Philipp, below is his words

The blog was originally named Googlosophy Blogoscoped ("googlosophy" being the "science of Google"). The name wasn't supposed to sound too serious. I imagine a blogoscope to be a microscope in blog form, which shows something more detailed. And Google Blogoscoped, well, it's like "Google microscoped" (zoomed in to clear detail) I guess. (I don't know if that makes too much sense, and being no native speaker I don't really know what images and associations "microscoped," or "blogoscoped," bring up!) But a little later I changed "Googlosophy" to "Google" after reading through the Google trademark guidelines, which say you're not supposed to use word plays like "googlicious" and stuff...

I recently asked a native speaker what "blogoscoped" sounds like, 'cause I can't really tell. His answer: when he first saw that the word, he thought of endoscopy/ colonoscopy. So that would mean putting a camera up Google's behind?! Oh well, I think we should switch topics ;)

See google, blog, search engine, googler, im


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