
What is Blondetourage?


(you have this defined already, just not spelled correctly) When describing a female and using the word "blonde" as a noun or adjective, the correct use would be the feminine form of the word (blonde...not blond). Without the "e", it is describing a male. So, when defining the word BLONDETOURAGE as pertaining to women, it must not be spelled in the masculine form, Blondtourage.

The definition you have on the site is fine: "A posse of attention-grabbing blonde socialites or starlets who travel in packs."

But this one is better:

An entourage of attention-grabbing blondes who travel in packs while celebrating the blonde lifestyle and looking GORGEOUS doing it.

Hugh Hefner and his gorgeous blondetourage will be at our party! The Girl's Next Door, Holly, Bridget, and Kendra and total BLONDETOURAGE hotties!

See blondetourage, blonde bombshell, playboy


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