
What is Blood?



1) A street gang originated in Los Angeles California back in the late 60's to defend against the crip gang. Now sets are located nationwide

2) A slang term used by members of the blood set to another member

3) Bodily fluid needed to survive

1) Yo dem bloods ran up on some crab ass niggaz and started blastin.

2) Wudup blood

3) I got cut now blood is dripping


Originally a combination of smaller gangs formed to protect themselves from the Crips. One of the oldest sets is the piru compton bloods, who used to be crips but got pushed out. Bloods are represented by the colour red.

Bs (bloods) Up Cs (crips)Down

See crip, compton, piru, gangs, o.g., hara


The first definition for Blood back in 1969 when the first five non crip sets were being formed by T. Rogers was Black Liberation Organization Of Defense

A.B.P.S.N Almighty Black P Stone Nation

thats what i represent till the day i die.the M-21 is what i represent. much love for Jeff fort


Someone who's very close to you, like family.

" Waddup blood. "


A blood is a member of the street gang "Bloods". The gang originated in Los Angelas in the late 60s. They were originaly founded to fight the crips when members of other gangs were killed by the crips. The location of its founding was on Piru street, and the original name of the bloods was piru until the mid 70s. Bloods are known for the following:

wearing red bandandas or flags

being excesivly violent

being fond of automatic weapons

being enemies of crips

Bloods are extremely dangerous, having lived around several of them most of my life, I've learnt not to upset them or talk to them in an disrespectful way. They are fewer in numbers than the crips, but there force and high level of aggresivness make them an even match. I've seen 1 blood member fight off 3 crips before, and barely get hurt. They strive on perfection in what they do, which is fight and kill. Blood stands for Be Loyal Or Otherwise Die, they are very dedicated and strict. Approach with caution.

Common Blood Tag

See a Crip

Kill a Crip

Watch your favorite color drip

Note to crips

Your my bitch

So mutherfucker suck my dick

See bloods, blood, blud, blod


Top gang who usually more rilla than crips. -The Original Blood Gang is PirU-


Blood Love Overcomes Our Depression. see i'm not exactly sure what the term Blood stands for but i do know that if the krab niggas wouldn't have attacked other krab sets then the Bloods might not thanks for killin off ya own kind bitchs

If you Blood through it up

See blood, love, our, depression


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