What is Blood Sucker?
There are two types of blood sucker
1. The "leech" feeds off of another individual when they are strong.
2. The "vampire" feeds off of another individual when they are weak.
The leech is a "tag-along"
The vampire enjoys "kicking people when they are down.
This is the definition of a blood sucker
-Small animal or parasite
-Ex girlfriend
-"____" like to suck blood
Someone who will go to any means under any conditions to make money.
A merchant who stays open when there is a power outage to make money. A greedy person. "The people who work in that corner gas station open during the power outage to make money are blood suckers."
It is the act of using your teeth to remove a bloody tampon from a female's vagina while the woman is menstruating. Then engaging in sexual intercourse.
I wanted to fuck my girl but she had her period so I had to pull a Blood Sucker.