Blow Job From Hell

What is Blow Job From Hell?


When a girl felashes you and the next day you are unable to walk properly. This unpleasant experience is due to the constant scraping of incisors upon one's penis. When this occurs, "going commando" is imperative because even the most comfortable boxers feel like a paper shredder.

My mom asked me if I hurt my knee but the cause of my limp was a blow job from hell.

See blow job, hell, teeth, limp, felatio, commando


A Toribash move where the aggressor shoves his head into their opponent's crotch. At this point they can do one of two things:

1: Ram their head into their opponent some more

2: Slam their opponent against the ground

Both of these movements cause major dismemberment

Holy crap! You just got a blow job from hell!

See blow, job, from, hell, bj, Quanto


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