Blow Torch

What is Blow Torch?


when you give a guy oral sex while giving him a hand job at the same time

I gave a guy a blow torch


This is an AM radio station of 50,000 watts.

I work for a blow torch station. 50,000 watts baby, Anchorage to Anaheim.

See 50, blow torch, blowtorch


When a girl eats some jalapeno peppers then proceeds to give you a blow job

That bitch last night didn't tell me she had been eating jalopenos before she blew me, it was one hell of a blow torch

See blow job, sex, fellatio, head, girls, bitches, sluts, whores, oral sex, oral, blowing


The process of ejaculating when you have an orgasm. It is when you "blow"/spew forth your seamen from your "torch"/penis.

That lady is so beautiful. I can't even imagine what a blow torch with her would be like.

See ejaculate, orgasm


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