
What is Blower?


A telephone

I've got Arnie on the blower, and he wants to come over.



I have just fitted a blower to the Cuda


A dealer of hash, Irish. Descended from "blow," whish means hash in Ireland. There's a song called "The Blower's Daughter" by an Irish singer named Damien Rice. None of your definitions make sense with the song but the one I'm sending.

You can get hash from the blower on the corner


A very fucked up situation

Today was a real blower

See fucked up, horrible, shitty


car-talk for "supercharger"

His '69 Buick SKYLARK has a blower.

Her '67 Mustang is blown, not aftermarket turbo'd.

See Jake


An interjection used to signify that an event has caused dejection. See bummer.

"Dude, your parents are getting divorced? That's a blower."


n. (Brit. slang) Telephone.

I was on the blower to my bookie and told me I was two grand down.

See Gumba Gumba


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