
What is Blowjob?


When us young ladies put our mouth's on a guys cock and suck repeatedly until they reach orgasm. Giving a blowjob should not be looked upon as a chore, but as a pleasurable thing for both involved. Be sure to pay attention to the whole penis, not just the head. Swirl your tongue around the tip while pumping him with your fist or both, if you like. Lovingly message his balls and always deepthroat it. Alternate your speed when sucking a cock, showing your guy that him coming in your mouth is your top priority. And when he does start to come don't stop what you're doing, suck until he's done. And always swallow with a smile.

I woke Jake up with a good morning blowjob


the best five minutes of silence a married man can ask for.

"She kept on yakking and yakking about her friends that I finally shut her up by having her give me a blowjob."

See Gary


Something I am very, very good at...and I swallow.

Last night I got down on my knees and gave him the best blowjob of his life.

See Jezebel


One of the best parts of sex ever. This is when a woman performs oral sex to a man by putting her lips on his dick and sucks it hard and deep. This is for the mans to enjoyment and for the woman to give out of generously, curiously, or just plain loving to give blowjobs. Then after she performs this she can either swallow the cum or spit it out. I think swallowing is one of the sexiest things a woman can do so ladies SWALLOW ON and SUCK HARD.

Girl, you can sure suck on a dick. Now if you swallow it I may just marry you.


An act of awesomeness. Something when performed right, can make any man, straight that is, fall in lvoe with the woman for which he has chosen for a parter. To gve blowjob is not to jsut suck a penis. But to caress with with nothing but your wet, slippery mouth. To make a man not ejaculate, but to reach montary heaven when he spits his lvoe jucices into your mouth. A real blowjob has many aspects, including, the twist, deep thoat, and to soflty play with his balls. To stop for anything even so much as a breath would be unorthadox, so dont stop untill the pearly gates of heaven is last seen sliding down your throat.

"Damn she gave me such a good blowjob im still cumming in my pants"

"Yo, that new girl, i hear she gives good blowjobs, i heard u don't see the tip of your dick for a week"


A Blowjob is defined by how expertly you do it!

it's a skill that few people master. Gentle pressure or a slight milking action at the base of his cock can help to harden him up a bit. Like sword-swollowing, deep-throating takes hours of practice, to relax the gag reflex. For huge Cocks it's got to be done in a 69 position so your tongue is right on the helmit, and easily revolves repeatedly around it, in all directions. If you're working upside down on it, the curve of the Cock more comfortably slides all the way down your throat. Your lips should always cover your teeth, unless he likes for you to bite him a bit, down near the pubes. Gentle biting/pulling of only the loose skin behind the head is allowed. if you start to gag, slow down and think how smooth, warm, soft, and tasty his skin is. Cocks can be love-ly.

The thing that really drives any man wild is pointing your tongue and working it up, around, and into the hole in his dick. Whether a guy has an almost tongue-sized hole or a very little one, he'll love you tongueing it out.

Think of a Blowjob as a dance routine... you need a quiet, teasing, promising beginning. Then you must use your mouth to 'take possesion' of the whole arena. Raise the energy levels as slowly as possible, as you actually choreograph a long sequence of repititious touches, moves, twists, and shapings, so he never gets bored or loses his climax. But a few rests or slowdowns, at the right times, can prolong and intensify the climax.

When he finally can hold it no longer, just let him rip and roar. And of course you want to swallow his gift to you... it's a part of him and full of energy giving protein.

if you're lucky, he'll be able to have several more 'go's', as you gently awaken him throughout the night. The very best climaxes come at dawn.

An expert blowjob is 'the best a man can get'

See deep throat, cock sucking, extasy


"smokin' the bone"..."giving head"..."cocksucking"..."doin' the nasty"..."oral sex"...the act of performing fellatio on a penis until said penis ejaculates.

Generally a pleasurable experience for the person being blown...depending on the person doing the blowing, not so much.

My old girlfriend Valerie had a tiny mouth, but enjoyed giving me a blowjob on Friday nights, when I came home from college.

I would show my appreciation by saving up 3 days worth of jizz, and dumping it down her throat while I forced her head down deeper, causing her to gag and spit.

She seemed to enjoy this and even suggested we shoot some video of the event...


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