
What is Blows?


see sucks

your project blows

See ralph


a street slang term for pre-packaged usually synthetic heroin sold in ten-dollar denominations.

"blows! blows! park"


meaning that you dont like something and it everyone is unhappy with it. the world would be a better place without it...

also meaning blow-jobs, or to suck on a males lower middle extremity

these two definitions may be used together to describe the utter lack of use for something

basketball blows monkey balls....

See me


Term used for heroing (blow is cocaine... blows are heroin) in powder form that is insufflated.

"Dude, we went up to the tip and got some blows."


Something that completely sux and is not fun at all.

Liz-This fuckin blows im outta here.


Another definition of this word is to spar or fight as in boxing. Can be cross referenced to street fights or just a general punch being thrown.

If I see that dude tonight I'm throwin' blows on him, no questions asked.

See strikes, jab, hook, uppercut


a word meaning something/someone genuinally bites the big one.

wow, britney spears really blows


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