Blue Balls

What is Blue Balls?


the excrutiating pain a man receives when his balls swell to the size of coconuts because of lack of sex, unfinished bjs, and just not cummin when he knows he should.

Cure: JUST WACK IT MAN!! or get your woman to help you out and do the job right. It's that simple to make the horrible pain go away.

note to all women,

NEVER NEVER NEVER give your man blue balls...its the worse pain he will ever feel in his life and he never deserves it...well, almost never...


when polly wont finish off your cracker


A painful condition when a man has been profoundly sexually stimulated but not allowed to ejaculate, leaving his balls feeling heavy and sore. It is my mission to relieve this unpleasant phenomenon.

His girlfriend had left him with blue balls, so I took pity on him and sucked him off until he came in my mouth. We both felt better after that.

See jezebel


arousal of the penis without ejaculation, causing discomfort in the lower abdomen. Similar sensation to being kicked or hit in the tescticles.

She left me with a throbbing boner, man do I hate having blue balls.


When you're close to orgasm but then you stop cause your parents are coming. Felt in the balls and partially in the taint

Oh ya, here it comes...*walking noises* Oh no my parents *zip*

See Marc


Extreme seminal back-up caused by coming close to getting pussy and not getting it or not getting any for a long period of time. Aslo caused by long periods of semi-sexual activity and not getting any. ex: Dry humping, hand/blow jobs and not cumming.

My girlfriend can't blow and I got blue balls.


The aching of testicles brought about by partial sexual deprivation or lack of poontang.

That skankyho-bag left me with a mad case of blue balls!

See Batman


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