Blue Blazer

What is Blue Blazer?


An alcoholic beverage with an Irish whiskey base that, when lit, will have a blue flame to it. Produces a nice blaze, and is more enjoyable in a dimly lit room, where the flame can be appreciated.

Mel: "I so drank a blue blazer for the first time last night"

Fran: "That's cool, and who the hell are you?"

Mel: "Oops, wrong definition"

See blue, blazer, cool, sex, drugs, violence, cyn, lufkin, mesquite


Place a lighter outside of your clothes(underwear, pants panty's, shorts, so on...)put against your anus. Blast a large explosive flatulence (fart). While blasting one, light the lighter for a Blue Blazer flame.

A gaseous combustion released by the anus once lit with a flame causes a Blue Flame.

Today on the bus Sean put his legs on the back of the seat and took a lighter out and lit his farts. Causing a Blue Blazer.

See gas, shit, poop, fart, flatulence


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