What is Blueball?
1: In reality, it's bringing a male close to climax (close enough where his testicles get filled with seminal fluid and semen), but not letting him get rid of the built-up sex juices.
The resulting inundation causes extreme discomfort and pain, lasting for hours.
See also
2: In slang terms, it's the expectation and tremendous build-up of getting something you want, only to find that you're not going to get it in the end.
2: I'm sorry to blueball you, but remember how I said you're getting a Corvette, yeah, you're actually getting a Yugo...
A terrible feeling, usually happening in striptease bars, beaches or other places like that. When you (a male) are really horny and arosed from watching a naked/half-naked woman, but are unable to do what you gotta do (
This is NOT A VERY NICE feeling, and is better avoided.
I always think about those poor guys who have to photograph porn/striptease movies. They probably are always experiencing blueball. Having to watch sex but being unable to participate in some way is a nightmare.