
What is Bluffin?


Like it's brother, the "blumpkin", it is the art of recieving fellatio while attempting to evacuate one's bowels. Only the twist with the more mischevious Bluffin is that only flatulence is produced.

Connie: "Want a blumpkin baby?"

Josh: "I thought you'd never ask..."

*Connie initiates fillatio & prepares for the ladder*

Josh: "I don't think I can...I just farted, no product...It's a Bluffin baby..."

Connie: "Better luck next time!"

See blumpkin, bluffin, bluff


A breakfast sandwhich from the sandwhich chain Blimpies. Not to be confused with blumpkin.

Blumpkins!!! Those are delicious!!! Wait we are talking about the sandwhich right? o wait thats a bluffin

See blimpkin, bluffin, sandwhich


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