
What is Bluke?


The nickname for the best actor in the history of the world: Marc Blucas.

He played Riley Finn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He'll play your face with his fist if you don't follow his every move as an actor.

"The best actor in the world is Bluke. BLUKE!"

See marc, buffy, the, vampire, slayer, riley, finn, actor


A bluke is an backward, uneducated, inarticulate person of rural Appalachian upbringing.

Hundreds of blukes have emerged from the woods and hollows in search of employment.

See hillbilly, hayseed, appalachian, redneck, white trash


The nickname for the best actor in the history of the world: Marc Blucas.

He played Riley Finn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He'll play your face with his fist if you don't follow his every move as an actor.

"The best actor in the world is Bluke. BLUKE!"

See marc, buffy, the, vampire, slayer, riley, finn, actor


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