What is Bmo?
(Acronym) "Big Man Online." A person who routinely boasts about their page traffic, brags about their number of online friends, attempts to win online popularity contests, and is overly concerned with any other worthless, false indication of their acceptance on the Internet. The ultimate goal of every BMO is to win a Webby Award, the definitive trophy proudly declaring to the world that your 15 minutes of fame ended half an hour ago. The average BMO attempts to add every living creature on the planet to their IM buddy list, because everybody knows the quantity of people you message with "LOL" defines your value as a human being.
Paulo Scamuffo from game amazon.
A short/slang term for a butch emo.
I think the girl over there is a bmo.
Black Moving Object.
Term that soldiers in the middle east have coined for Muslim women that wear a black Burqa.
(Watching the news) Look, a BMO!
definition from Somethingawful
(Acronym) "Big Man Online." A person who routinely boasts about their page traffic, brags about their number of online friends, attempts to win online popularity contests, and is overly concerned with any other worthless, false indication of their acceptance on the Internet. The ultimate goal of every BMO is to win a Webby Award, the definitive trophy proudly declaring to the world that your 15 minutes of fame ended half an hour ago. The average BMO attempts to add every living creature on the planet to their IM buddy list, because everybody knows the quantity of people you message with "LOL" defines your value as a human being.
Bob, no cares about your website. You are a BMO.